Is the declining wine consumption due to wine being challenging to understand?

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This year, the German annual ProWein Business Report addresses the world’s declining wine consumption. There are many reasons why people drink less wine, such as health recommendations, the economy and, not least, the difficulty of understanding wine. The wine industry is fragmented like few other industries. The fact that there is a lot of wine is a strength but also a weakness.

“Other alcoholic beverages have a less elitist image and therefore reach particularly young consumers better,” the report points out as a reason why young people prefer to drink beer or cocktails over wine.

It is unfortunate if wine, in the eyes of certain consumers, retains an elitist appearance. But in many ways, the wine industry has itself to blame. Many marketers, sommeliers, and indeed wine writers do their best to put wine on a pedestal and make wine and food pairing sound like rocket science.

No wonder some prefer a Carlsberg.

Read more: prowein

Britt Karlsson drinking beer in a café in Paris
Britt Karlsson drinking beer in a café in Paris, copyright BKWine Photography

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