World wine production in 2023 the lowest since 1961 and consumption shrinks

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In 2023, world wine production decreased by 10% due to droughts, heat waves, fires, early frosts, and rains, which led to floods and diseases according to numbers recently released by International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

The world’s vineyards produced 237 million hectolitres, the lowest volume since 1961.

Harvests suffered particularly in Italy and Spain. Italy saw historically low production levels in 2023, with a 23.2% decrease due to bad weather and ensuing disease issues. The total volume was 38.3 million hl. This is the smallest harvest since 1950.

For Spain, there was also a notable decline, and the country reached its lowest production since 1995, with an estimated output of 28.3 million hl, a decrease of 20.8% from 2022 and 25.7% from the last five-year average. This decline was mainly caused by severe drought and extreme summer temperatures.

France fared better, increasing production by 4% to 48 million hectolitres, making France the world’s largest wine producer by far in 2023.

Meanwhile, global wine consumption also shrunk reaching only 221 million hectolitres, a decrease of 2.6%.

More detailed information from the report will be available shortly in BKWine Magazine.

World Wine Production, 2000-2023, copyright OIV
World Wine Production, 2000-2023, copyright OIV

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