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Small Gastronomic Glossary

A French-Swedish-English dictionary of food terminology

Liten Gastronomisk Ordlista

affiné lagrad matured (= kept by the cheese maker or cheese seller until it has matured)
affineur en som mognadslagrar ost, vanligen en osthandlare someone who keeps the cheese to mature it; may be used to describe a cheese seller (disregarding if he ages his cheese himself or not)
alpage tilläggsbeteckning på ost gjord från kor som gått utomhus på alpsluttningar add-on description on cheese made from milk from cows bred on fields in the Alps
bien fait lagrad/mogen matured (= ripe, or ready to eat)
bien persillé väl mogen grönmögelost mature blue cheese
bleu, m & adj grönmögelost blue cheese
crémeux krämig (t ex en St Marcellin) soft (of e.g. St Marcellin)
fermier framställd enligt traditionella metoder farm house product
fromage de brebis fårost (t ex Roquefort) ewe’s cheese (e.g. Roquefort)
fromage de chèvre/ chèvre getost goat cheese
fromage de vache ost gjord på komjölk cow milk cheese
fromage frais färskost (även för getostar) fromage frais/soft white cheese
lait cru, m opastöriserad mjölk non-pasteurised milk
pâte (f) cuite/dure hårdost hard cheese
pâte (f) molle mjukost soft cheese
sec torr (om getostar, kraftig smak) dry (of goat cheese)
Härkomst Origin
Appenzeller Schweiz Swizerland
Beaufort Savoie
Bleu d’Auvergne Auvergne
Bleu de Causse Auvergne
Brie de Meaux Brie/Ile de France
Cabecou Perigord
Camembert Normandie
Cantal Auvergne
Chaource Champagne
Comté Franche-Comté
Coulommiers Ile-de-France
Crottin de Chavignol Loire
Emmental Schweiz
Epoisses Bourgogne
Fourme d’Ambert Auvergne
Gruyère Schweiz Swizerland
Langres Champagne
Livarot Normandie
Maroilles Flandre
Munster Alsace
Pélardon Languedoc
Pont-l’Evêque Normandie
Roquefort Rouerque (Auvergne)
Saint-Marcellin Lyon
Saint-Nectaire Auvergne
Sainte-Maure Touraine
Tomme de Savoie Savoie

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