Trend spotting at New Year’s Eve dinner party | New Brief out, #184

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Per Karlsson portrait Britt Karlsson portraitTrend spotting at New Year’s Eve dinner party

With Christmas and New Year dinners coming up you might be in need of a conversation topic. Why not try trends in the wine world 2019? What will be the wine trends in 2019 in your opinion?

Trend spotting has peak season at this time of the year and the good thing about it is that you can say virtually anything. It will be a whole year before anyone can say that you were wrong. And by then most people have probably forgotten what you said anyway.

But we can probably safely count on organic wines, the environment and everything that goes with it to be a continued trend. This includes how you make the wine. Because during the vinification you can choose to either save or waste energy and water. But also additives belong here even if they are not obviously environmental-related.

The research will continue to find alternatives to adding sulphur in the wine. Recently, a product with inactive yeast was allowed for use in organic wines. The yeast consumes dissolved oxygen in the wine, thus protecting the wine from oxidation during ageing. Ingenious.

If you do not like discussing sulphur contents or even pesticide residues in the wine that you are drinking, talk about bubbles instead, always a popular topic. It feels safe to say that the big bubble-trend will continue. You can always add that you foresee that more and more people will want extra brut and other super-dry champagnes, but that also the demi-sec style will increase. (And regular “brut”, in between the two, will lose.) Read more on the sweetness terms on bubbly wines – they are often miss-quoted in press and literature – in the article referenced in the Brief.

That’s the way it is with trends. They always go in different, sometimes opposite, directions, such as (another trend) consumers buy more premium wines but the bulk wine market is also increasing.

To be truthful, trends in the wine world don’t vary that much from year to year. If a trend arrives, it tends to stay for a while. And certain predicted trends sometimes seem more like a wish list of the predictor. But say it loud enough and the list will maybe eventually transform itself into a trend.

Do send us a mail with your personal favourites for 2019 wine trends! We will be happy to publish all suggestions.

A few more “details”:

It is time, high time, to book your next spring wine tour to Bordeaux. More info in the Brief. The fall program is coming soon, very soon, and will also include Bordeaux, as well as Champagne and New Zeeland.

Book your wine tour now!

A text that is a little bit different that most articles is our “Uncorked” where we write about some of the memorable bottles that we have tasted or drunk recently. For example a wine from Moldova, a “simple” bourgogne rouge from 1997, 21 years of age, and a merlot from Rioja. And much more. In the Brief!

We wish you Happy Holidays with plenty of good wine!

Britt & Per

PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief !


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