Filtration of wine, a short introduction

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Almost all wines (counted in volume) are filtered in one way or another. There are a few wine producers who do not filter their wines. There are also wine enthusiasts who are convinced that unfiltered wines are better. that may be a very questionable truth. It probably depends very much on the wine and the filtering technology. There are many different ways and techniques for filtering wine – each one has its own characteristics, advantages and drawbacks.

Tom Fiorina is an American living in the south of France and he has embarked on an ambitious wine making training program. He recently did the filtering course at this program and as a result he has written a blog post on his blog, The Vine Route: Wine-filtering technology up-close. A good introduction for the curious.

A traditional plate (cellulose) filter
A traditional plate (cellulose) filter, copyright BKWine Photography

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