The book to discover South Africa: New edition of Platter’s Wine Guide

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The 38th edition of the Platter’s Wine Guide of South African wines has just been launched. This wine-bible gives you, in a handy format, all you need to know about South African wines. Or at least a lot. It means a lot to a winery to have a wine in the guide with four or five stars. Being named “Winery of the year” is great honour for a South African producer. Platter’s has a good reputation in the wine industry.

Stars are awarded to wines, not wineries. The estates get a brief review, sometimes longer depending on the importance and size of the estate. The guide also specifies “hidden gems” and wines that are especially good value for money.

The wines are not tasted blind. The reason is that the guide wants to judge the wines based on the producers’ goals and intentions, what kind of wines they want to make, how they work, etc. The guide also wants to follow the producers over the years and see how they develop.

Warmly recommended for the curious wine drinker.

Join us on the wine tour to South Africa in November and you will have ample opportunities to discover these delicious wines on site with the winemakers.

Hemel en Aarde Valley, Walker Bay, South Africa
Hemel en Aarde Valley, Walker Bay, South Africa, copyright BKWine Photography

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