Tag: Burgundy

Beaujolais Nouveaux from Dominique Piron

Beaujolais Nouveau – still going strong

Beaujolais Nouveau is still celebrated in France (and elsewhere). Restaurants in Paris were packed on Thursday, 17 November, and many offered special menus featuring local Bourgogne/Beaujolais specialities. 2022 is a magnificent year for Beaujolais, and

Chardonnay in Meursault, Cote de Beaune, Burgundy, France

Burgundy has a new appellation for white wines: AOP Vézelay

New appellations don’t often appear in France. But sometimes, it happens. (Modifying existing ones happens more often.) On October 14, Vézelay in northern Burgundy became an Appellation d’Origine Protégée (AOP). From the beginning, Vézelay was

Wind mill, vineyard, in Moulin a Vent, Beaujolais

The ambitious Beaujolais, a new world to discover

Beaujolais is one of the world’s most famous wine districts. There are “regular” beaujolais, beaujolais village, and beaujolais “cru”, from one of the ten villages with their own designation. But perhaps best known of all

Vineyards on the Corton hill, Aloxe-Corton, Burgundy

Dry year but good quality in Burgundy

Burgundy winemakers have been fighting the elements this year. Spring frosts, hail, millerandage during flowering and – perhaps most damaging – lack of water. But when the harvest started on August 31 for the crémant

Hervé Tucki at La Chablisienne, Chablis

Chablis 2017 from La Chablisienne

The people’s choice and the rewards for the patient The glasses are close to each other. Not literally in their arrangement on the table, but in style, appearance, viscosity and overall impression. The lowest level

Oak barrels with Burgundy wine ageing in the cellars of Chanson, Beaune

Burgundy shows off its best figures

For the lover of statistics and/or the lover of Burgundy wines, we have found a handy and updated summary of all relevant figures concerning the wines of Burgundy, from Chablis to Mâconnais (Beaujolais not included).

Beaujolais Nouveaux from Dominique Piron

Beaujolais Nouveau – still going strong

Beaujolais Nouveau is still celebrated in France (and elsewhere). Restaurants in Paris were packed on Thursday, 17 November, and many offered special menus featuring local

Vineyards on the Corton hill, Aloxe-Corton, Burgundy

Dry year but good quality in Burgundy

Burgundy winemakers have been fighting the elements this year. Spring frosts, hail, millerandage during flowering and – perhaps most damaging – lack of water. But

Hervé Tucki at La Chablisienne, Chablis

Chablis 2017 from La Chablisienne

The people’s choice and the rewards for the patient The glasses are close to each other. Not literally in their arrangement on the table, but

Oak barrels with Burgundy wine ageing in the cellars of Chanson, Beaune

Burgundy shows off its best figures

For the lover of statistics and/or the lover of Burgundy wines, we have found a handy and updated summary of all relevant figures concerning the

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