Le Bistro de l’Hôtel de Beaune – BKWine Pick

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Roof detail, Hospices de Beaune, Hotel Dieu
Roof detail, Hospices de Beaune, Hotel Dieu, copyright BKWine Photography

A newly opened bistro-chic owned by Swede Johan Björklund, previous owner of London based wine company Cave Cru Classé. But Johan started his career as a chef and now he is the happy owner of this high-class bistro and luxury hotel with seven rooms in the centre of Beaune.

The food is well prepared and sophisticated. Menu for 40 euros and the main courses à la carte starts at 25 euros.

As would be expected the wine list is thick as a book and even if the most famous wines are out of your reach, remember that the talented producers also make wines from the simple appellations. A Bourgogne from Domaine Simon Bize, for instance, is excellent value for 38 euro.

Le Bistro de l’Hotel de Beaune, 5, rue Samuel Legay. 21200 Beaune, tel 03 80 25 94 14, www.lhoteldebeaune.com.

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