What is wine communication and who are the communicators?

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The recent DWCC in Rioja included a session on wine communications, what it is and who does it. BKWine was one of the panellists.

Digital Wine Communications Conference DWCC logoAt the Digital Wine Communications Conference (#DWCC) in Rioja this past autumn, where a large number of online wine communicators gathered, there was one panel discussion titled “What is wine communication and who are the wine communicators in 2013?” Indeed a challenge to talk about that subject in a room full of … wine communicators.

“Wine book sales are falling; newspaper and magazine wine columns are shrinking or disappearing, and wine television programmes are an endangered species. Would-be wine communicators are turning to blogs and YouTube clips, but how many people are taking any notice of their efforts? Where are consumers getting their information – if they’re getting it at all? Are wine producers and retailers taking over the wine communication business? Or is it being taken over by “lifestyle” media? And how does the picture vary between Europe, the US and developing markets like China?” was the longer description of the

The panel was moderated by the indefatigable wine communicator and wine entertainer Robert Joseph. Robert kicked off with making a great introduction raising a number of issues both for wine and for those of us who communicate around wine. Here is Robert’s slide show.

The other people on the panel were

  • Tyler Colman (at 18:15 in the video). Tyler is one of the best-known US wine bloggers writing an entertaining and sometimes very thought-provoking blog (Dr Vino). He is also the author a book on Wine Politics.
  • Paul Mabray (29:40). Paul Mabray is the Chief Strategy Officer for Vintank, a consultancy specialising in analysing the online social impact of wine communication and of tracking such things for wineries. Paul’s slides.
  • Justin Howard-Sneyd (47:45). Justin runs Hive Consulting that works mainly for Direct Wines and makes wine at his own winery Domaine of the Bee. Justin is also an MW. Justin’s slides.
  • And me (Per Karlsson (38:41))

You can see the whole session here. I found it very interesting to listen to what the other speakers had to say. The one thing I regret is that we all talked too much so that there was no time for questions and debate at the end…

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