Sex in wine advertising: drink cava, make more babies?

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Flute filled with sparkling wine
Flute filled with sparkling wine, copyright BKWine Photography

In our continuing (but far too infrequent) series of sex selling wine we have now a very original example of how sex sells cava.

Undoubtedly alluding more or less subtly to sex (usually in the form of pretty women) sells wine, as well as many other things. (You could probably even sell paper clips with it.) Sometimes it is outrageously trite or tasteless. Sometimes it is fun, humorous or even self-depreciating or ironic. Sometimes it is, well, incomprehensible.

But it happens a lot. The point of marketing is, after all, not to be a neutral, fact-filled product description.

How “sex” (in a broad sense) in advertising is perceived is very different in different countries. In northern Europe it tends to be a very touchy subject and frowned upon. In southern Europe it is far more frequent and more accepted.

Here is an example of how sex sells cava. Or, well, does it?

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(Thank you to ThirstForWine for bringing this to my attention.)

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