The organic vineyards in France increased in 2023 despite challenging weather and diseases

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The organic vineyard area in France is not increasing as much as it used to, but it is still growing. The important thing is that not many organic producers sacrifice their certification despite, in some places, great difficulties with diseases in the vineyard.

The wine sector in France now has 22% of its surface organic, which is much higher than the national average for the entire agricultural sector, which is 10.4%.

The largest organic wine region is Occitanie, which includes Languedoc-Roussillon, with 34% of the country’s organic vineyards. Interestingly, organic wines in France are not sold in supermarkets to the same extent as other wines. Only 19% of the sale of organic wines takes place there, compared to 24% in wine shops and 48% directly at the producers’.

Read more: agencebio

Read: Read more on biodynamic wines in BKWine’s book Organic, Biodynamic and Natural winemaking.

AB Agriculture Biologique vin bio label on a bottle
AB Agriculture Biologique vin bio label on a bottle, copyright BKWine Photography
An Ecocert organic license
An Ecocert organic license certificate, copyright BKWine Photography
Label on an Argentine wine, "bebida nacional", national beverage, and organic certification
Label on an Argentine wine, "bebida nacional", national beverage, and organic certification, copyright BKWine Photography

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