What are the “normal things to do” for tipping, taxis, restaurants, and more in France, Chile, Argentina?

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It is often difficult to know a many of the “practical” things when travelling to a new country. For example, what is the common practice for giving tips (e.g. if one does not tip at least 10% in a restaurant in the US one risks being told off rather rudely)? What about taxi? Can you drink the tap water? What time is dinner? And much more.

We have put together some “FAQs” about countries that are interesting destinations for a wine tour, that you might find useful if you travel with us or if you travel by yourself:

More countries are coming!

If you have comments, or perhaps you think we’ve got it wrong, please give us feedback! (It’s so much South America because we’re going there soon.)

Restaurant Alain Senderens at Place de la Madeleine
Restaurant Alain Senderens at Place de la Madeleine, copyright BKWine Photography, this image may NOT be used elsewhere

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