Tag: journalism

Vineyards with sandy soil and old vines in Castilla y Leon in Spain, prieto picudo variety

Wine Genesis – book review

Wine Genesis / Wein Genesis By: Peter Oberleithner (design and photo), Karl Mayer (text) Kulinarium Verlag e.U. www.kulinariumverlag.at A massive and heavy book with lots of photos on vines and wine cellar equipment – that

More on Worcester Sauce

We’ve been writing about the wine blog called Worcester Sauce, written by Stuart George, since some time now. The big question has been, why is it called The Worcester Sauce Blog? The latest suggestion is

“How I saved the world from Parkerization”

The full title of the book is “The battle of the wine and of love – How I saved the world from Parkerization” (“La bataille du vin et de l’amour – Comment j’ai sauvé le

Wine journalists – an endangered species?

Sometimes that is indeed the impression one can get. But the question was posed by Jancis Robinson when she made a presentation to the Wine Communicators of Australia. And her answer is, well, it does

BKWine interviewed in Chile’s main online wine news site

Andes’ Wines interviewed Britt in their December issue. Andes’ Wines is Chile’s leading online wine newsletter. We can’t help being a bit proud since a few days later they interviewed Jancis Robinson. https://www.andeswines.cl/raiz/english.php

Vineyards with sandy soil and old vines in Castilla y Leon in Spain, prieto picudo variety

Wine Genesis – book review

Wine Genesis / Wein Genesis By: Peter Oberleithner (design and photo), Karl Mayer (text) Kulinarium Verlag e.U. www.kulinariumverlag.at A massive and heavy book with lots

More on Worcester Sauce

We’ve been writing about the wine blog called Worcester Sauce, written by Stuart George, since some time now. The big question has been, why is

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