EU reform of agricultural wine polices agreed, but watered down

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It was a weakened reform that was agreed with the agricultural ministers just before Christmas. Hardly cause for celebrating with a bottle of champagne, except for the champagne producers and other northern winegrowing regions who had argued for continued permission to add sugar to the grape must (chaptalisation) to compensate for weak musts – and won the argument. Other aspects of the reform: grubbing up of vines will continue but less than proposed (170,000 ha instead of 400,000 ha). Possibilities to specify grape varieties and vintage on the label on wines without a specific geographic provenance (or where it is not permitted to indicate the provenance on the label). More budget to promote EU wines (but not within the EU, of course, where the lobby is rather for ad band on wine). Less restrictions on new plantings of vines. Etc. Perhaps the reform could have used a bit of sugar in the brew to make it less watered down.

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